Sunday, May 17, 2020

Video Games Video Game Addiction - 2135 Words

Xiaomin Tong Professor Rebecca Gray Writing 39C 30 April 15 Video Games Addiction in Asia For the past decades, video games have been accessible to varied kinds of groups all over the world, which are from children to adults. Meanwhile, problems of online games addiction are arising particularly rapid and evident, especially in Asia. According to the news â€Å"Gaming Addiction On the Rise in Asia† by Paul Gaita, nearly 1.2 billion out of 84 million of world wide online gamers are Asians, which has led Asia to be the chief of video game addiction. (Gaita) Also, Andrei Dinu, an author at Lerablog, points out that even though Asia is at the technological cutting-edge, it unluckily becomes the boss of video game addiction. (Dinu) With this fast growth of video gaming popularity, the public has voiced their concerns. For example, Mary Schlimme, in her research paper, she declared, â€Å"All addictions can be dangerous and harmful to the addicted person and others around him; however, video game addiction can be particularly detrimental to children.† (Schlimme) In other words, computer games indulgence hurts people with no boundary, but especially to children. Even though a lot of researchers put forward their argument that violent video games could release one’s desire for acting violently, there is an increasing number of evidence proving that excessively playing video games can lead to a higher level of poor physical health and aggressive behavior on teens and pre-teens. 1. 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