Thursday, September 3, 2020

Up Country Essay Research Paper Up CountryIn free essay sample

Up Country Essay, Research Paper Up Country In his novel Up Country, Alden R. Carter expounds on how troublesome life is for kids in the youngster age by depicting the activities off Carl Staggers, a juvenile enduring his female guardians liquor fixation and his auto remote stealer ringing gone to scatter. Carl is a heartbreaking legend who wanders through this clasp period by looking to do things right. He is other than went with by characters close to him as the novel advances. Carl is a juvenile grown-up male with incredible expectations and dreams to go an electrical applied researcher. The activity is that he and his female parent are significantly owing debtors, and Veronica Staggers, Carl? s female parent, is an alky who is brought place by the bulls about each hebdomad. Carl has the splendid idea to use an opportunity that emerged to pick up cash to venture out to a decent capable school what's more, increase an evaluation in electrical innovation. We will compose a custom paper test on Up Country Essay Research Paper Up CountryIn or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In this little possibility, Carl fixes taken sound systems that he gets from his mate in offense, changes the back to back figure, and topographic focuses the sound system into an organization box for resale. Despite the fact that this appears the ideal offense, something goes horrendously off base with his commendable program and Carl gets busted for the wirelesss alongside the entirety of different adolescents helping him. Unexpectedly he was busted for the auto sound gear due to his female parent who was tossed in a detox community for her intoxicant abuse. Accordingly, Carl was sent? up state? to stay with his auntie, uncle, and cousin whom he hasn? T seen for a little more than eight mature ages. That? s when the entirety of the difficult beginnings, including a run in with the nearby saltine menace and his sweetheart. From a positive point of view while staying with his optional family, he meets an incredible state miss with whom he at last remains with on the other hand of making a trip back to populate with his female parent, who tidies her sense of self up and proceeds onward with her life. Carl is condemned to open work and is in a general sense let off simple on Thursday e status that he remain in school and acquire that electrical evaluation. The subject of this story is that even the most unrealistic individual can secure what they long for. Carl had ever longed for a steady family unit. At the point when he was busted and was constrained to go in with his auntie and uncle he, from the start, feared the idea. He was going in with a family unit he hadn? T seen for eight mature ages! As things proceeded onward, Carl shaped a specialty in the little town of Blind River. He framed a relationship with his new family and found a miss that he figured out how to adore. In the novelette Up Country, outlines of mockery, a shocking character, and the stereotypic character. Carl? s cousin Bob who shows the qualities of the traditional red-neck, the buck-tooth, inappropriate English, rube, where Carl himself shows the commonplace highlights of the shocking legend. A saint, who through his ain pick, was up to speed an a arrangement of occasions that continually results in disaster. In my supposition this was an incredible book for any youthful to peruse. Most young people feel that their life is hapless, frail, and hapless, however on the off chance that only they could take an articulation at Carl? s life they could perceive how troublesome life can at times be. Carl is a surpassing understudy who works hard for his finishes, yet he realizes he will neer make them in view of his place and family unit. Other than most youngsters feel they have to take the off base approach to obtain what they need. Carl took the wrong way and he wound up with a decent and stable family unit, a sweetheart, and a want to make is end. So I state take the erroneous way and potentially you could plug up with what Carl had. Taking everything into account, Carl had an exceptionally troublesome existence with his alcoholic female parent. Be that as it may, as you will see, when he got off from her he developed and developed inwardly. He fundamentally got all that he asked and wanted. See this, in the event that you were in Carl? s places, what okay make? What way would you take?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Orbital Space Debris

Orbital Space Debris Free Online Research Papers Orbital Space Debris The sun rose blindingly over the peak of the earth. The space traveler moved outside the Space Shuttle Discovery’s load narrows in his Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU). Held by the shuttle’s automated arm, a harmed satellite hung around 800 kilometers over the earth and a couple of meters beneath the space traveler. As the space walker drifted nearer to the satellite, he looked down to see mists covering portions of America, including his home province of Nebraska. The satellite was harmed gravely. Wearing just a single sun based board, it had a messed up metal arm that made only a stub on the opposite side. The day sooner, they had blocked the missing sun oriented board, consumed and crushed unrecoverable. Endless supply of the harms, both in space and back on earth where the satellite was taken, it was affirmed that a little bit of outside space flotsam and jetsam was answerable for taking out this regular citizen interchanges satellite. While in the immeasurability of r oom, a mishap like this appears to be just practical in a Hollywood film, however this anecdotal portrayal is more genuine than what individuals figure it out. It has been a long time since the dispatch of the principal satellite, Russia’s Sputnik. From that point forward, similar to the case with quickly propelling innovation, satellites have just multiplied and turn out to be progressively settled in society’s presence. This has made an amazing measure of jamming in the earth’s circle that will just deteriorate as time advances. The present space garbage is followed by both the US Space Surveillance Network and US Strategic Command. They keep an information base of all articles in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) bigger than 5 centimeters in distance across and all item in geosynchronous circle (GEO) bigger than one meter in width. There are presently 12 000 inventoried objects, of which just 850 are dynamic satellites. A few thousand more can't be inventoried in light of the fact that their starting point is obscure. A few occasions in late history have muddled the circumstance in the skies, be that as it may. The principle wellspring of orbital flotsam and jetsam for the last 50 years was in reality the customary separation of satellites in circle, the mileage of consistent use. In the 1980’s, the US and Soviets tried enemy of satellite (ASAT) weaponry, leaving a lot of broke satellite flotsam and jetsam. One US test was directed in September 1985 and the last bit of listed flotsam and jetsam rotted from circle just three years back. Be that as it may, both the Soviets and the Chinese have continued their ASAT testing programs not long ago. In January of 2007, the Chinese utilized an active vitality ASAT weapon to decimate their useless Feng Yun-1C, expanding its level of the all out orbital trash to 20%. The following month Russia detonated a Briz-M rocket supporter stage, raising its all out rate to 40%. The ramifications of this recently made space jam are various. While today, satellites are seldom harmed like the anecdotal record depicted before, orbital impacts are getting progressively visit. Through the nineties and into the present decade, impacts happened about each five to eight years. Disastrous crashes, including complete decimation of the items that impacted, were assessed to happen just at regular intervals. For various orbital radii, there are diverse hazard levels. The most crowed parkway around the world is the 800 km rise. Not exclusively is the most flotsam and jetsam accumulated at this elevation, however it is the most well-known orbital stature for regular citizen satellites. Presently, the innumerable survives from Feng Yun-1C and the Briz-M promoter are circumnavigating Earth at that range also. The SSN predicts that due to the some little, un-chartable survives from those two satellites, the impact hazard would almost twofold. Crashes would happen each three to four years and calamities would fall in the five to multi yea r go. Nonetheless, a greater part of these particles, as recently expressed, are exceptionally little. In this way, no doubt the peril presented by these articles is exceptionally low and practically insignificant. Essential dynamic vitality hypotheses would invalidate this idea. These items circle with speeds around 10 km/s. Consider the greater part of these to associate with one gram. Taking dynamic vitality to be the motor vitality of one of these particles would rise to 50 000 Joules. In examination, a 100 kg mass going at 100 km/hr has just 38 580 Joules. In this manner, these impacts are amazingly perilous for circling satellites. NASA has actualized statutes to forestall the spread of orbital flotsam and jetsam. Likewise, in 2002, the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee set rules set up covering the creation of such trash. The Orbital Debris Program Office gave an examination in 2006 (preceding the Chinese and Russian ASAT tests) that a few regions of room had just arrived at an overly basic trash thickness. Along these lines, these rules are absolutely critical. In any case, there is no law gone to confine orbital separation. The United Nations designed rules after the IADC, and were appearing to be viable for quite a while. While there was a consistent increment in orbital flotsam and jetsam up through the mid nineties, it started to tighten into the new thousand years. Sadly, the Russian and Chinese ASAT tests have caused an enormous descend into sin in the push to clear up the skies. While it might appear to be minor and unimportant now, the issue of orbital trash will just disintegrate as time advances except if move is made soon to alleviate the circumstance. The more flotsam and jetsam put into space, the more areas will turn out to be too basic in status. The eventual fate of safe space travel relies upon the control and regulation of our orbital garbage. Wright, David. â€Å"Space Debris.† Physics Today. 60.10 (October 2007): 35-40 NASA Orbital Debris Program Office. 2007. 8 December 2007. . Research Papers on Orbital Space DebrisBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperHip-Hop is ArtTwilight of the UAWWhere Wild and West MeetThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Friday, August 21, 2020

Global Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Worldwide Marketing - Essay Example There are numerous elements, for example, the changing consumers’ socioeconomics and desires, the nature of rivalries and the approach of innovations that influence the tasks of a firm among others. Question One: Environmental Factors Affecting Inniskillin The ecological components assume a critical job in the business and in a country’s development. The various components that will be talked about in this setting are political variables, monetary elements, social elements, mechanical elements, natural elements and legitimate elements (Jones and Hirasawa, 2008). Political Factors It very well may be referenced that the political just as the legitimate variables have been ideal for the achievement of the Inniskillin. After the finish of the preclusion on deals of the liquor, a large portion of the organizations have constructed their notoriety in Canadian market of spirits and brews. Regardless of the wine showcase staying segmented, the market appeared to grow on account of the Vintners Quality Alliance (VQA) that helps with keeping up the standard just as the quality control. This can help the Canadian wine to accomplish more acknowledgment in the worldwide market particularly for the creation of the Icewine. It has been clear from the contextual analysis that due to the consent that Vincor got from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)., the organization was equipped for being the greatest wine shop in the nation of Canada. It allowed Vincor to set up its own shops while the other little wineries were equipped for selling just at the legislature c laimed stores since they had constrained alternatives from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (Jones and Hirasawa, 2008). The organization was fit for increasing upper hand on account of its own dispersion direct in Canada. It was further clear from the contextual analysis that local costs of the wine of the wineries in Canada were constrained by the administration imposing business models for getting their wine recorded with the goal that they can disseminate just as sell their wines. This prompted low-deals volumes just as limited the choices accessible in sending out, the travel industry exercises alongside the eatery exchange. Monetary Factors The financial components have been very ideal for the Inniskillin. The purposes for this have been the rising wages just as the ascent in the utilization pace of the wine as far as qualities and deals. The business looked for the worldwide weight of union. In any case, Inniskillin attempted development system and in this manner delighted in the advantages of economies of scale through securing with the goal that it can deliver modest wines and in this manner accomplish acknowledgment in the household just as worldwide markets. It has additionally been clear from the contextual analysis that due to the monetary exercises that have been worried about the agribusiness in Canada, the creation of better quality European Vinifera has been conceivable (Jones and Hirasawa, 2008) Social Factors It can be referenced that the taste and the inclination of the purchasers develop on a persistent premise. With the ascent in the salary, the shoppers were turning out to be increasingly concerned in regards to the taste. The superior wines got well known to the detriment of low level wines. It was a direct result of the advancing consumers’ mindfulness in regards to the excellent brands that encouraged Inniskillin to improve their item quality (Jones and Hirasawa

Monday, June 8, 2020

Purpose Of Issuing Currency Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

In 1907, the Currency Board was established for the purpose of issuing currency and protecting its value. The World Banking Mission which examined economic situation and potential development of a country. It had recommended composing a Centre Bank and eventually the Central Bank of Malaya Ordinance was established in 1959. However, the currency issuing authority was transferred to Bank Negara Malaysia after 1967 (Institut Bank Malaysia, n.d. ). According to Intitute Bank Malaysia (n.d.), under the Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP), the financial industry is now undergoing consolidation phase. Commercial banks are merging with their finance companies. This is to increase competitiveness of the financial institutions by providing one-stop financial services. Malaysia has three derivatives exchanges which commodities, fixed income and equity products. Besides, Malaysia is the one who introduce KLCI futures earlier than India, Taiwan and Korea. The first Malaysian derivative exchange was established at 1980 which is KLCE. The initial derivative product was the Crude Palm Oil (CPO) contract. The CPO futures contract was the only product in its category and remained as the main product (Bacha, 2004). Bacha (2004) found in 1995, Malaysia introduced financial derivatives together with introduction o f Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) (which currently known as KLSE CI Stock Index Futures contracts). After two years, the Malaysian Monetary Exchange (MME) was launched and traded the 3 month KLIBOR contract. The three exchanges, KLCE. KLOFFE and MME have now been consolidated into a single exchange, the Malaysian Derivatives Exchange (MDEX). Thus, nowadays we can trade commodity, equity and interest rate derivatives on MDEX (Bacha, 2004). The relationship between the percentage changes in the spot exchange rate over time and differential between comparable interest rates in different national capital markets known as the International Fisher Effect (IFE). International Fisher Effect (IFE) attributes changes in exchange rate to interest rate differentials, rather than inflation rate differentials among countries. The International Fisher Effect, (IFE) or fisher-open, states that spot exchange rate should change in an amount equal to but in the opposite direction of the difference in interest rates between countries. International Fisher Effect (IFE) to estimate the equilibrium future spot exchange rate S*ÂÂ ¥/$ assuming International Fisher Effect (IFE) holds. Justification for the International Fisher Effect (IFE) is that investors must be rewarded or penalized to offset the expected change in exchange rates. The International Fisher Effect (IFE) predicts that with unrestricted capital flows, an investor should be indifferent between investing in dollar or yen bonds, since investors worldwide would see the same opportunity and compete it away (Moffett, 2012; Madura, 2012). The International Fisher Effect (IFE) is unpredictable due to the different short-term factors that influence the exchange rates and the predictions of nominal rates and inflation. However, the long-term International Fisher Effect (IFE) just provides a little better result. Interest rate differentials always offset by exchange rates, but error alwa ys occur when forecast the future spot rate (Shalishali, 2012). Shalishali (2012) stated that exchange rate fluctuation and interest rate difference are affecting consumers and the worldwide economy. Among others, exchange rates fluctuations can cause inefficiency and misrepresent world prices and further capture investors attention to countries inflation. In addition, the long term investment return and international trade are affected by long-term movements in exchange rates. By knowing some short-term foreign exchange movements, international businesses that deal with foreign exchange transactions on daily basis could benefit. Exchange rate movement will create higher risk. Hence, companies may utilize information available to determine how many derivative securities such as options, forwards, and futures to hedge in order to minimize risk arising from exchange rate movements. Moreover, the actual return of investors portfolio with overseas holding will directly affected by ex change rates. The world has experienced at least two financial crises that have strong contagious effects within the decade of 1997/98 and 2007/08. The Asian Financial Crisis 1997/98 began in July 1997 with the devaluation of the Thailand currency. The key financial institutions in South Korea and Japan shut down due to the worries of global fund withdrawal and at last lead to a collapse of financial market and currency depreciation in regional. In those East Asian countries, there was a dramatically increase in interest rate in 1997 since their currencies collapsed. For instance, short-term rates in South Korea rose from 12 to 30 percent within a month (Li Wong, 2011; Cho Kenneth, 2003). Figure 1 (refer to appendix) reports data characterizing the situation in some Asian countries during the 1997/98 Asian crisis. The Asian crisis is the best characterized as triggered by a mixture confidence crisis in a few countries, which then spread- through trade and depending on the co untry, also financial channels to other countries within and outside the region. It shows that, as a result of the crisis, exchange rate depreciate over the second half of 1997. Increase in interest rate move exchange rate in opposite direction. However, Malaysia was an exception. Even with capital control, the exchange rate still depreciating until it re-pegged Ringgit Malaysia against the US dollar (Sanchez, 2005). Literature Review In IMF point of view, the relationship between interest rate (also known as monetary policy) and the exchange rate is that a rise in interest rate will stabilize the exchange rate. This relationship has been frequently discussed by the World Bank, IMF and US Treasury especially during economy crisis since it is important for policy implications. Hnatkovska, Lahiri, and Vegh (2012) conducted a study and the research studies have established the relationship between the exchange rate and short term interest rates is non-monotonic. This study expressed when there is a smaller increase in the nominal interest rate, the currency will be appreciated. On the contrary, larger raise in nominal interest rate lead to the currency depreciated. Besides, some research studies stated that the nominal exchange rate has negative relationship with the nominal interest rate differential and has a positive relationship with expected long run inflation differential (Shah Rehman, n.d.). A short term interest rate is the premium policy instrument that policymakers applied in order to change currency values. There are three effects that will influence the exchange rate by increasing short term interest rate. First, the money demand effect which indicated higher interest rates will increase the demand for domestic-currency denominated assets hence appreciate the currency. On the other hand, higher domestic interest rates reduce domestic output through a credit channel and this effect will depreciate the currency which defined as output effect. In addition, fiscal effect emphasized on a rising in interest rates tends to increase the debt service burden of the fiscal authority and consequently it increases inflationary expectations and weakens the currency. Besides, physical capital can cause both appreciations and depreciations on the effect of temporary increases in interest rates (Hnatkovska et al., 2012). Other factors of no co-integration between real effective exchange rate a nd interest rate differential such as permanent fluctuation in exchange rates as a result of high inflation rate and interest rates, instable monetary policies, unemployment, poor GDP growth rate, poor administrative system, political instability and improper policies (Shah Rehman, n.d.). Shah and Rehmen (n.d) did a research on the relationship between real exchange rate and real interest rate differential on developing country. In this study, they unable found any evidence to shows the relationship between the variables. Theoretically, the relationship between real exchange rate and real interest rate should hold better in long term than in short term. MacDonald and Nagayasu (2000) have conduct a study on 14 developed countries on the similar topic, the empirical result using the single equation method of Johenson shown the existence of long run relationship, the relationship is even clearer when long term interest rate is used. According to the study of (Li Wong, 2011), on e inspiring finding is that the inter-temporal relationship between real interest rate differential and real exchange rates in Iceland, Singapore, Thailand and India is extremely low. The change in their monetary policy did not generate a significant impact on their capital movement. It suggested the interest rate of other countries has efficiently been adjusted, thus there will not be any impact on real exchange rate. Furthermore, many researchers are interested in conducting studies on countries which involved in economic crisis. Researchers had extended the study to Asian countries that other researchers never been done the research using the period Asian economic crisis. He found the relationships pattern different between pre and post economic crisis, where it changes from positive relationship to negative relationship especially for Indonesia. (Bautista, 2006) Economic crisis has strongly aroused the researchers interest to conduct study on Korea as well. Dekle, Hsiao, and Wang (2001) proved that the empirical result are supportive the traditional view. Monetary tightening and the rise in interest rate successfully appreciating Korea won. In fact, it is consistent with the expectation of IMF as they request Korea to raise their short term interest rate after a sustained period of stability depreciated precipitously. An extended study of Meese and Rogoff (1998) with the purpose to find a stable long run relationship between real exchange rate and real interest rate differentials using Korean Won exchange for US Dollar data for period 1991 to 2011, real interest rate did not affect the real exchange rate significantly before crisis (as cited in Park, n.d.). After the crisis, real interest rate differential had a positive significant effect and Korean foreign exchange reserve a negative significant effect on the real interest rate respectively. They also mentioned that the data fitted the interest rate parity theory better after crisis than before crisis , this is reasonable given openness and integration into global market of Korean financial market. The study on ability of interest rate as a defend tool during economic crisis also is a topic concerned by IMF and World Bank (Caporale, Andrea Cipollini, Panicos, 2005). They investigate the monetary tightening policy in defending the exchange rate from speculative pressure during the Asian financial crisis from 1991 to 2001 on Indonesia, South Korea, Philippines, and Thailand. They found that during the crisis period, there was a simultaneously increase in domestic interest rate in respond to exchange rate depreciation. The effects of an increase in the domestic interest rate on domestic currency, owning a higher probability of bankruptcy of highly leverage Corporation. However, during tranquil periods the nominal exchange rate appears to appreciate sharply in response to rise in the domestic interest rate. A similar study been carry out by (Chen, 2007), while the main study is f ocus on interest rate and exchange rate volatility, the empirical result presented supportive view of high interest rate would no help to defend the exchange rate. He suggested that any structural model proposed in this paper suitable to predict the relationship between real interest rate and exchange rate volatility due to all model are consistent with empirical regularity and provide one of cause and effect. Some researchers are interested to identify the pattern of relationship of fixed exchange rate and interest rate during economy crisis. G. Benigno, P. Benigno, and Ghironi (2007) revealed the relation between interest rate rules, exchange rate regimes, and determinacy of the rational expectation equilibrium of the economy. In this paper, follower country is in the exchange rate regime, it means the country that trying to peg the exchange rate, while foreign is the leader. As discussed inÂÂ  Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996), although a fixed exchange rate implies equality bet ween the domestic and foreign interest rates, pegging the domestic interest rate to the foreign one is not sufficient to fix the exchange rate in all periods (as cited in G. Benigno, P. Benigno, and Ghironi, 2007). It results in instability and indeterminacy. This paper proposed a solution to this problem in terms of interest rate feedback rules for the follower countries so that can ensure the determinacy of the fixed exchange rate equilibrium in a rational expectations setting under relatively weak conditions. The class of rules proposed by this paper is differs from other approaches in the literature (such asÂÂ  Taylor, 1994;ÂÂ  Wieland, 1996) because it does not require the specification of any point in the money supply path (as cited in G. Benigno, P. Benigno, and Ghironi, 2007). Recommendations Based on the research studies, we found that the relationship between interest rates is well explained through the International Fisher Effect, however the previous study more focus on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). According to Alan and Mark (2004), PPP is a disarmingly simple theory that hold the nominal exchange rate between two currencies should be equal to the ratio of aggregate price levels between the two countries, therefore a unit of currency of one country will have the same purchasing power in a foreign country. We suggest that either each of the theory should not be ignored because both also will influence the exchange rate effectively. Furthermore, previous researches more focus on their studies using the economy crisis background. So we suggest that they can do some researches on the relationship between interest rate and exchange rates under stable economy conditions. Will the results have the differences if compare to the crisis economy? In addition, we also identified that most researchers only emphasize on the inflation that will depreciate the exchange rate. We recommend that they can also take the deflation into the considerations. Actually deflation can be considered as a natural phenomenon, as far as hard currency economies are concerned. Besides that, deflation can leads to the escalation in the purchasing power parity of each unit of currency. Conclusion In conclusion, excluding factors like inflation and interest rate, the most important determinant of a countrys relative level of economic health is exchange rate. It plays an important role in a countrys trade level which is vital to most every free market economy in the world. Many research studies showed that there are negative relationship between interest rates and exchange rates. Interest rates, inflation and exchange rate are highly interrelated. The exchange rate of the currency holds the bulk of investments determine that portfolios real return. Actually the exchanges rates are established by frequent difficult reasons that often leave even the most experienced economists confused, financiers should still have some understanding of how the currency values and exchange rates play a main role in their investment.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Video Games Video Game Addiction - 2135 Words

Xiaomin Tong Professor Rebecca Gray Writing 39C 30 April 15 Video Games Addiction in Asia For the past decades, video games have been accessible to varied kinds of groups all over the world, which are from children to adults. Meanwhile, problems of online games addiction are arising particularly rapid and evident, especially in Asia. According to the news â€Å"Gaming Addiction On the Rise in Asia† by Paul Gaita, nearly 1.2 billion out of 84 million of world wide online gamers are Asians, which has led Asia to be the chief of video game addiction. (Gaita) Also, Andrei Dinu, an author at Lerablog, points out that even though Asia is at the technological cutting-edge, it unluckily becomes the boss of video game addiction. (Dinu) With this fast growth of video gaming popularity, the public has voiced their concerns. For example, Mary Schlimme, in her research paper, she declared, â€Å"All addictions can be dangerous and harmful to the addicted person and others around him; however, video game addiction can be particularly detrimental to children.† (Schlimme) In other words, computer games indulgence hurts people with no boundary, but especially to children. Even though a lot of researchers put forward their argument that violent video games could release one’s desire for acting violently, there is an increasing number of evidence proving that excessively playing video games can lead to a higher level of poor physical health and aggressive behavior on teens and pre-teens. 1. 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But, video game addiction is, in fact, a real phenomenon and it is a direct cause of health and social problemsRead MoreA Video Game Addiction is Still an Addiction1582 Words   |  7 PagesA video game addiction is just like any other addiction. These addicts seek stimulus from their subjects and cannot refrain from it. It impedes on their daily lives, interrupts their way of logic, and has no real benefits. The major reason why addictions begin is because it helps them cope w ith their emotions. For them, it’s another world that is immersive and engaging to the point that they are entranced by it. Video games and the Internet provide a plethora of communities and people to meet. SinceRead MoreVideo Game Addiction Essay710 Words   |  3 PagesVideo game addiction has always been the main topic of controversies recently due to its impact on the young generation. In spite of the fact that it helps us to enjoy ourselves during recess and economically contributes to several countries’ income, its negative affects towards children and teenagers and so on, need our consideration. Merely in 2001, people in the US spent roughly 9.8 billions dollars on video game and this number increasingly enlarges in time. Besides, people who overplay thoseRead More Video Game Addiction Essay3908 Words   |  16 Pages The controversial topic of video game addiction is what I have decided to focus my multi-genre research project on. Although a multitude of people do not even know of the existence of such a problem in todays society, I can assure you that this is becoming an increasingly greater problem effecting people around the world of all ages. Through my multi-genre project, I intend on proving the uselessness and detrimental qualities of playing video games, and I am going to explore some healthy

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Countrywide Financial Subprime Meltdown Ethics Mandi Hash

Countrywide Financial: Subprime Meltdown Ethics Countrywide Financial: Subprime Meltdown Ethics Mandi Hash Acct 430 81E – Krupka, Joseph Abstract â€Å"Not long ago, Countrywide Financial seemed to have everything going for it. Cofounded by Angelo Mozilo in 1969, by the early 2000s it had become the largest provider of home loans in the United States. At that time one in six U.S. loans originated with Countrywide. In 1993 its loan transactions reached the $1 trillion mark. Additionally, it was the primary provider of home loans to minorities in the United States and had lowered the barriers of homeownership for lower-income individuals. Countrywide also offered loan closing, capital market, insurance, and banking services to its†¦show more content†¦Many of the baby boomers started selling their houses to fund their retirement. Disposable income was becoming nonexistent. Despite all of these warning signs financial institutions kept on making risky loans, such as the subprime loans, and builders kept on building more houses for profit. The end result was a surplus of housing and no consumers able to afford it. Banks were forced to start foreclosing on houses when the consumers stopped paying their mortgages. Foreclosure rates were skyrocketing, causing investors and borrowers to feel the full effect of the risks of the subprime loans. The surmounting number of mortgage defaults and investors pulling out of their mortgage-backed securities caused a string of bank and financial institution failures. These failures were felt world-wide, as billions of dollars were lost. Many of the larger financial institutions required government assistance to stay afloat. In just over a year Countrywide depreciated and absorbed $21 billion in losses. Eight billion in subprime loans has a seven percent delinquency rate, as well as the foreclosure rate on the loans doubled. Countrywide laid off twenty percent of its employees. When Is Making A Subprime Loan An Ethical Thing To Do? When making a subprime loan it is the responsibility of the lender to discern whether the loan is a good risk for the borrower and the lender. If the loan is going to be a poor risk to the borrower

The Economic Discourse Community For Business, Society And Environment Essay Example For Students

The Economic Discourse Community For Business, Society And Environment Essay The economic discourse community can be loosely identified as a set of shared values and knowledge in the field of economics. Different from other writings, economic discourse community usually include some technical economic terms and visual information, i.e. diagrams, tables and charts, etc. Each writing piece has its intended audience, and economists’ writing is no exception. Economists’ writing is usually targeted at economic majors or practitioners in the field of economics. Economic discourse community helps its intended readers to pick up information efficiently and effectively. Cooperated with partners and leaders in the field of supply chains and transport, the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Logistics and Transportation started to conduct research on the supply chain. The report â€Å"Beyond Supply Chains Empowering Responsible Value Chains† analyses the impact that supply chain practices has brought to business, society and environment, and explores the issue how shared value can be made through better supply chain decisions. The report identifies â€Å"a set of 31 proven supply chain practices which provide companies with a blueprint of where they can gain both commercial and socio-environmental advantage (both environment and local economic development)—driving a triple advantage† (). In addition, the report â€Å"provides a framework for evaluating the potential value at stake behind each of these practices, and an implementation framework for†¦