Friday, February 28, 2020

Green Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Green Technology - Research Paper Example Cheaper energy saving and environment-friendly technologies are being proposed to ensure that new energy sources do not add to the pollution level and are used efficiently. This environment-friendly technology is referred to as the â€Å"Green Technology†. It is a process of producing alternative uses of energy that are less damaging to the environment. Alternative energy practices are hence, in demand to curtail the use of fossil fuels. Solar power, Biomass energy, Wind power, Green insulation are some of the examples of green technology that are being discovered and used (Sobha, 2007, pp.4-5). Green insulation is one of the measures of green technology that can be customized in homes which makes energy usage more efficient. The means by which today’s buildings are constructed are not only bad for the environment but also harmful to the health of people. Steel, cement and other materials that are required for the manufacture of buildings, use large quantities of energy , thereby releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Also, many buildings use more energy than what is actually needed, in order to light or heat them or for operating machines and other appliances. Electricity is used from coal-burning power plants and oil-burning heating systems. Also the amount of water wastage is an issue to be considered significantly. Thus, to protect the planet from the harmful effects of energy usage, green buildings are essential (Owen, 2009, pp.7-10). Here lies the main emphasis on the thesis of this report which states that green insulation in homes can make energy usage efficient and protecting the planet from the harmful effects of energies. Green insulation in houses can decrease energy consumption and can prove to be healthier, cost efficient, and good for the planet. Green Insulation in homes: A boon to the planet: There are several benefits of living in green homes, which is why people, especially the Americans prefer more to take advantage of them. Green homes are healthier, cost efficient, and also useful for the planet as a whole. Through the use of natural or mechanical ventilation, the indoor air can be kept clean. Use of toxic-free materials restricts the indoor air pollution to an immense level. Plants are natural detoxifiers, and natural light is essential for such indoor plants; along with lifting up one’s mood. Green homes are also antimicrobial, thus protecting from molds or other microorganisms. The process of green insulation is cost efficient as living in green homes makes less use of energy and less water, hence more savings. They use high standards of building materials, thus maintenance costs are also low. Green homes are, now, in high demand which makes them more valuable in comparison to any standard home, thus lending homes may bring in higher rents. It is also expected that such homes would require lesser insurance payments than standard homes with the insurance companies providin g discount facilities on their policies. Green homes in the near future may be designed in a way that would be able to produce more energy than they produce, through different energy yielding techniques like uses of solar or wind power. Efficient water usage systems also enable green homes to make less wastage of water. Non renewable resources are used less in the construction of a green home. Recycled materials that are readily renewable are generally used for the purpose, e.g., Bamboo. As a result of recycling measures, green home

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Technology effects on children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Technology effects on children - Research Paper Example f the social media, which includes twitter and Face book have a negative impact on children, because they play a role in making them to waste time, and it also enables them to engage in unnecessary social interactions†. This is basically because it makes them vulnerable to criminals and pedophiles that are using the internet for purposes of taking advantage of them. However, it is important to assert that technological innovations are not used for purposes of social interactions, but it can also be used in the school environment, and educating children. For instance, the use of power point illustrations is an efficient and effective method of teaching children various concepts within the classroom set up. This paper focuses on the impact of technology on children who are between the ages of 9 to 12 years, and the ones who reside in United States. 2. Napoli (2011, p. 66) examines this debate and he asserts that, â€Å"There are people who support, and those who area against the use of technology in schools, and by children, and hence it is a controversial topic†. Those that claim that technology has a negative effect on children’s development and growth base their arguments on a number of findings, for example, anti-social behavior among children, poor anger management, health issues such as diabetes caused by obesity due to the over use of technology (Adamy &Milman, 2009). However, the opposing side bases its evidence on early knowledge development in children especially in technological fields, better coordination and quick reception and response which are better developed in children exposed to technology. Moreover, the use of technology offers children with hand dexterity, quick reasoning and critical thinking. It’s still obvious that people haven’t reached a consensus over this issue, and the society seems greatly divided over it. Philosophers have argued over the years and competed with each other in trying to establish the real position of the